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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela

Obama Administration Attempts to Nationalize K-12 Education, Just As They Did Health Care 

By Dr. Carole Hornsby Haynes  |  January 6, 2011  Texas Insider

Signaling “Don’t Mess with Texas” in the November 2010 Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) Meeting, outgoing member Cynthia Dunbar offered a resolution declaring the U.S. Department of Education an unconstitutional bureaucracy, operating outside the purview of the federal government. 

Tea Party Style: A 2nd American Revolution?   

By Dr. Carole Hornsby Haynes   |  November 5, 2010   Texas Insider

With the midterm general election behind us, it appears that we are indeed engaged in a Second American Revolution….this time at the ballot box. The harsh reality of how far we have strayed from our Judeo-Christian roots and our Constitutional principles finally have sunken in and shaken us to the very core of our souls.  

Is Islam Indoctrination in American Schools?

.......And is it funded by taxpayers?  

By Carole Hornsby Haynes, Ph.D.   |  September 1, 2010  Texas Insider

In recent months the American public has been made increasingly aware of a secretive foreign network of Islamic radicals that operates dozens of charter schools on U.S. soil. These schools are linked to an extreme Islamist, Fethullah Gülen, who was charged with trying to create an Islamic state when he attempted to overthrow his own Turkish government and enforce Sharia Law.  

Teachers’ Unions:  Roadblock to Reform

By Carole Hornsby Haynes  |  February 24, 2010  Texas Insider

The American Citizens Handbook of the National Education Association published in mid-twentieth century reflects a decidedly different NEA from that of today.  The Handbook included selections for children to memorize—Bible verses, the Ten Commandments, and the Lord’s Prayer.  How different is the policy resolution adopted at the 2009 NEA convention -- ‘Freedom of Religion' -- that “...opposes any federal legislation or mandate that would require school districts to schedule a moment of silence.” 

Is Islam Indoctrination in American Textbooks?

By Carole Hornsby Haynes, Ph.D.  |  August 10, 2010  Texas Insider

The war over social studies textbooks rages on as political and religious groups struggle to control the content for their own advantage.  Attention is turning now to the issue of Islam indoctrination in our textbooks and schools.

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