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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela

Marxists Stage Theatrics to Push Gun Control

By Carole Hornsby Haynes   March 27, 2024 

Today, March 27, is the anniversary of the Covenant School massacre in Nashville, Tennessee and the lunatic Left is using this tragedy to push their gun control agenda on television channels, news websites, and social media, not only in Tennessee but other states as well. In Tennessee a Hollywood style event organized by Voices for a Safer Tennessee drew thousands for the four-mile human chain from the midtown Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt to the Tennessee state Capitol. 

The theatrical event sported music by Old Crow Medicine Show lead singer Ketch Secor and Christian music artist Blessing Offor at Musician's Corner in Centennial Park. Faith leaders spoke there. The Voices for a Safer Tennessee coalition of 25,000 people across all 95 counties was founded after the massacre to support stricter gun laws including stricter gun storage rules and stronger background checks.

The American public has been so dumbed down that even many Christians believe guns are the reason for school massacres instead of deranged shooters. In 2021 20, 958 people were murdered by guns – 43% of the total gun deaths -- while nearly 43,000 die from car crashes annually. Why aren’t cars banned as a lethal weapon?

Simple.  A government ban of guns, along with confiscation, is critical for a totalitarian government. The Marxist Left has gained control of American education and are grooming generations of students to hate America, whites, God, traditional family, and Western Civilization. With transgenderism and communist indoctrination, these mentally deranged students are trained in political activism to become American Red Guards.

We must not allow the Left to use tragedies such as Covenant School to further their agenda to take away our guns and our Second Amendment rights. Our nation is very close to falling to a communist dictatorship. Only if Americans refuse to allow the Left to tell them what to say, what to think, and what to do and fight – literally if need be, to regain control of our institutions can we stop total annihilation. Stop fretting over whether you upset the left – conservatives tend to be too thin skinned. Don’t worry if you make mistakes – you are human. Stop caving to the left just to keep harmony. – this only makes you look weak. There is no appeasing the left. Stop using only “approved” speech. Christians are too concerned about taking the high road. We have to fight the left using different tactics. Remember how the colonists won over the British soldiers? Colonials fought the way Indians had taught them – hiding behind trees and disguised – rather than British way with soldiers marching forward in straight lines in bright red uniforms, with the front line being shot down followed by the second line and the third.

Arm yourself with information and become an activist in your community. Below are two articles from the Haynes Archives which will provide you with many facts for your work. I am deeply grateful for your support and your taking the time to read the Haynes Reports and listen to my podcasts. Much more will be coming in the near future. I can be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. www.drcarolehhaynes.com


After Gun Confiscation Comes America’s Killing Fields

By Carole Hornsby Haynes May 2, 2023 

There is a concerted effort in the U.S. to implement gun control at the national and state levels with the ban of so-called “assault weapons,” universal background checks, and red flag laws. This is moving toward disarming the American people but why is this so critical? 

A look at history shows us that dictators have disarmed their people before they began their mass killings. To name but a few, Hitler disarmed Jews in 1938, Mao Zedong in China in 1949, Fidel Castro in Cuba in 1959, and Hugo Chavez in Venezuela in 2012. 

In China, Communists, led by Mao Zedong, moved in and went from one rural village to another, estabishing control as they went. Peasants were alarmed when the CCP wanted them to turn in their guns because this meant they would have no way to defend themselves. So Mao’s cadre lied to them, “The people’s guns are owned by people. The purpose of owning a gun is absolutely to protect the people. Therefore, the CCP respects and guarantees the people’s rights to arm themselves. However, to defend the people and their community effectively, we think they will exert the largest effect only if the CCP manages these weapons.” 

As the Communist Party consolidated their power in a region, they would force the people to register their guns. Once their knew where the guns were, they would force people to turn them in or go to prison. 

By 1949 Mao had gained total control and disarmed everyone through the policy he began in 1935 as his troops took over each rural province. He created the People’s Republic of China – Communist China – and began the Chinese Revolution that resulted in the brutal murder of around 65 million Chinese. Using any means necessary – forced famine, execution, imprisonment – Mao was reponsible for killing more people than either Stalin or Hilter in World War II. 

A skilled manipulator, Mao fostered hatred and resentment among the masses to divide them, mobilized the people to kill each other, and turned the masses into weapons of destruction. Do you recognize these tactics? They’re being used in America by the woke crowd. 

This famous quote by Mao makes it very clear about why a dictator always bans guns once they gain control: “All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The Communist Party must command all the guns; that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party.” 

In Germany, disarmament by Hitler in 1938 was followed by Kristallnacht (The Night of Broken Glass) because of the shattered glass that littered the streets after Nazis destroyed 7,000 Jewish-owned businesses, vandalized Jewish homes, torched more than 900 synagogues, killed nearly 100 Jews and deported some 30,000 Jewish men to concentration camps. Terrified Jews were tossed into a small stream and spectators were commanded to spit at them and smear them with mud. Jewish businesses could be reopened only if they had non-Jewish management. Jews could not sell goods or services, engage in crafts work, serve as company managers, or be a member of cooperatives. Jewish children could not attend school. Next came the Holocaust with the death of millions of Jews. 

In Cuba, Fidel Castro, the illegitimate son of a wealthy Spanish sugarcane farmer and a lawyer, was a popular communist revolutionary. He supported the people being armed. Hundreds of thousands of weapons were given to soliders, militiamen, men, women, and children to form neighborhood vigilance committees.

But that changed once Castro and his guerillas had overthrown the military dictatorship of Batista in 1959 and established the first communist state in the Western Hemisphere. His first act was to confiscate the people’s weapons. 

In 1960, Castro nationalized all U.S.-owned businesses, including oil refineries, factories and casinos.  He shut down small private businesses that could not easily be controlled by the government. That sounds eerily like America during the pandemic when big box stores were allowed to remain open but small businesses were forced to shut down for months. Many went out of business. Wealth shifted from the middle class to the upper class. 

Castro took possession of private homes and moved other people in. He limited private ownership of land. Closing down opposition newspapers, he jailed thousands of political opponents and ended elections.  Friends who fled Cuba have told me that the government allows homes to have electricity for only certain periods of the day. With smart appliances, utility meters and cars, our federal government can shut us down. Cubans are allowed to have meat for only a few days a month. 

In Venezuela, Hugo Chavez became president in 1998 and began the gradual implementation of communism. Once he had gained total control, the next step was to disarm the people. Although many people owned guns, they did not believe guns were important as a defense against their own government. As the level of violence increased in the country, Chavez sold the idea of a gun ban to keep the people safe and reduce crime. The people fell for his lies and voted for a gun ban. In 2012 the Venezuelan government implemented a gun ban and the Venezuelan Armed Forces confiscated all weapons. The reign of terror began. 

Where is the country today? In 2001, Venezuela was South America’s richest country with the largest proven oil reserves in the world – about 300 billion barrels. Even greater than Saudi Arabia’s reserves. Yet today Venezuela is a communist dictatorship with the people living in dire poverty and soaring inflation. Many people have to live on the street and forage for food in garbage cans. Around 75% have lost 22 pounds because there is no food. Parents can’t feed their children. They have to decide between gas for their cars or food for their families. People stand in line for toilet paper. 

Did a gun ban reduce crime? NO. Todoay Venezuela has the highest crime rate in the world. It’s one of the most tyrannical countries in the world and anyone who protests the oppressive socialist regime is shot dead by govrnment forces.  BTW, Mexico is second, China is third, and the U.S. is fourth. 

In America, our inalienable gun rights gradually are being stripped away. A Maoist American Cultural Revolution is raging at full speed. Maoist tactics, rhetoric, and symbols have been adopted by the woke crowd. 

The murder of three children and three adults at the Nashville Covenant Christian School by deranged transgender female was another opportunity for Tennessee Democrats to scream for red flag laws, a universal background check, reinstate the state's gun carry permit process, and ban “high capacity” “assault weapons” – all in the name of “school safety.” Yet they are silent on the cause for school shootings. 

Some of Nashville’s biggest music stars -- Sheryl Crow, Kacey Musgraves, Amy Grant, and Jason Isbell – have joined with the “Voices for a Safer Tennessee” coalition in calling for red flag laws. 

The Southern Baptist Convention has jumped on the band wagon for gun control. They support Republican Governor Bill Lee’s call for order of protection laws to protect people “from those who are a danger to themselves or others.” This is a fancy name for “red flag laws” that permit authorities to strip Second Amendment rights from citizens based on subjective government approved criteria.

For those who still naively believe that the Southern Baptist Convention is a rightwing Bible thumping crowd, consider that a majority of those at the 2019 Convention voted for a resolution that supported Critical Race Theory and intersectionality.

A Tony Award for the year’s best clown act goes to three Democrat Tennessee legislators who used a bullhorn to incite a large crowd of trans activist gun protesters and invite them into the Tennessee legislative chambers. No, this was not considered by the White House to be an insurrection since it was staged by Democrats – they were just exercising their First Amendment right to free speech.

These three deranged lawmakers were expelled but later reinstated. Less than a week after he was reinstated, Rep. Justin Jones tried to carry a child’s casket onto the House floor after a rally on Monday, but was blocked by security. Jones then passed the coffin off at the doorway to Rep. Justin Pearson, the second black Democrat lawmaker who was expelled and then reinstated.

These three jokers garnered national attention with their Al Sharpton-style antics and even got themselves invited to the White House.

Caving to public pushback and political stunts, Governor Lee has ordered a special session in defiance of his own Republican party that refused to introduce red flag laws and reinstate the state's gun carry permit process.

The media leads us to believe that most mass murders are done with assault weaons. But that is not true according to expert, John Lott, founder of Crime Prevention Resarch Center. Their website has a a lot of excellent information and resources. (www.crimeresearch.org

Lott says that over 92% of violent crime in America has nothing to do with gun. In fact, 55% of mass public shoots involve only handguns and only 11% invovled any type of rifle. 

Biden claims that the national ban on “assault weapons” from 1995 to 2004 resulted in fewer mass shooting. This is a total lie. There was virtually no change during the ban. Fact #1: Only 11% of murders are committed with rifles. Fact #2: The rate of murders with so called “assault weapons” has actually decreased since the “assault weapons” ban ended in 2004.

There is a lot of public misinformation about what an “asault weapon” is. Many of them are actually small-game hunting rifles such as the AR-15 platform which is cosmetically made to look like a military grade weapon but it is not a military weapon or is it a fully automatic weapon.

Democrats continue to call AR-15 and AK-47 “assault weapons” and claim they can fire unlimited rounds of ammunition with one trigger pull. That’s a big lie. 

Fully automatic rifles (aka. machine guns) were first banned in the 1934 National Firearms Act. The law was revised after a Supreme Court challenge. The current 1986 version bans civilian use of fully automatic weapons. Although there are both fully-automatic and semi-automatic AR-15 and AK-47 rifles, American civilians can only purchase the semi-automatic rifles. 

For both the semi-automatic AR-15 and the AK-47, only one round (bullet) of ammunition can be fired with each trigger pull, not multiple bullets. The typical size magazine is 30 rounds. Handguns typically hold around 15-17 rounds of ammunition. 

Professor Lott says, “Semiautomatic weapons, which automatically reload the next bullet into the firing chamber after a single shot, also protect people and save lives. Single-shot rifles that require manual reloading after each shot puts a person at risk. 

Democrats want guns to be be limited to a nine bullets. That won’t provide much self defense. 

As I said earlier, there are new cat calls for red flag laws. Professor Lott says this is unnecessasry because federal government and every state already have laws people who are a danger to themselves or to others. These laws are called "Baker Act" statutes but are called by other names in different states. They typically allow police, doctors and family members to have someone held for a mental health examination based upon an educated guess.

These laws require that mental health care experts evaluate the individual. If a person can't afford a lawyer, a public defender is provided. While judges can choose to involuntarily commit individuals who they believe are dangers to themselves or to others, there are many other ways to provide monitoring or mandatory mental care. 

Despite these laws already being in effect, 19 states and D.C. have adopted "red flag" laws. Most of these red flag laws have been adopted since the 2018 Parkland, Florida high school shooting. 

Here is what is so dangerous about "red flag" laws. They’re promoted as mental health measures and a way to prevent suicide but Lott says that only one state's "red flag" law even explicitly mentions mental illness. And none of the states specifically require that a mental health expert be involved in evaluating the person; the only option a judge has is to take away a person's guns. 

If there is a written complaint and “reasonable suspicion” a judge will confiscate a person’s guns. It’s then up to that person to spend in excess of $10,000 to fight red flag laws just to get their guns back. If a person is really suicideal, having a gun taken away won’t stop a suicide. Professor Carl Moody at William & Mary College say that these laws slightly increase suicide rates because the person who needs help will be afraid to talk to anyone. 

In a nutshell, red flag laws are unconstitutional and do next to nothing to stop suicide or prevent a person from killing others if they really want to. 

Biden is calling for a national universal background check prior to purchasing a firearm. This will create a de facto universal gun registration system, in violation of the Second and Fourth Amendments. This means the government will have access to everyone who owns guns and can go door to door confiscating guns. 

Currently gun dealers are required by federal law to have purchasers fill out ATF Form 4473 which must be kept for 20 years. Gun dealers tell me they never discard the records in case there is a government request for them. With a de facto universal gun registration system, a socialist government would most certainly obtain those records and begin gun confiscation. 

Any type of permit or licensing of guns for either concealed or open carry also is a violation of the Second Amendment.

Why are we even discussing background checks and gun types? 

Under the Second Amendment, there are no restrictions or regulations on our ownership of guns. The purpose of the Second Amendment was to protect citizens against government tyranny. The Second Amendment is probably even more important now than when the Constitution with its Bill of Rights was adopted. 

Since our nation’s founding, people have been able to go into a store and buy a gun and ammunition off the shelf with no background check and no registration. Up to a few decadfes ago, even children could buy guns through the mail. Despite terrible conditions with the Great Depression, World War II, and the Korean War, guns were still readily available. Why are mass shootings on the rise? Why does the U.S. have the world’s fourth highest crime rate? What is different now? 

The answer is that progressives have systemically worked for decades to destroy the family and to destroy faith. Our moral and religious foundations have been destroyed and people are emotion drifting. Without meaning and purpose in life, people are spiraling into depression and despair that can be expressed in deadly, pathological acts. 

Conditions will continue to worsen so Americans must take measures to protect ourselves and our families. Law abiding Americans must exercise our Second Amendment right to carry weapons at any time and any place, without background checks or gun permits and without weapon or ammunition restrictions. 

For those who believe we should ban semi-automatic “assault’ weapons,” how well do you think you will fare when a socialist government uses heavy artillery against you if you protest their radical policies? How will you fare if all you have is a nine-round handgun, as Democrats have proposed? 

We must protect ourselves not only from the government but from evil, deranged people. Since we know they only prey on gun-free places, that should be a lesson to those who think pepper spray will do the trick. 

It makes no sense that a government claims gun violence will be ended by disarming millions of law-abiding citizens! That dog won’t hunt. Gun control is not going to stop criminals who will find a way to get a gun if they are hell bent on killing others. Gun control is all about a tyrannical government disarming citizens so they will have no protection against that government. 

Americans must stop depending on our lawmakers to protect us. We must keep our guns and without government restrictions. 

We’re in an American Cultural Revolution and we must be prepared to defend ourselves. 

In his announcement of his candidacy for the 2024 Presidential campaign, Biden reminded Americans that, "When I ran for president four years ago, I said we were in a battle for the soul of America. And we still are." He’s right. Democrats are coming after the soul of America to destroy us. Biden’s "Finish the Job" slogan sounds more like a threat than a guarantee of future prosperity.

Yes, Democrats intend to finish the job of destroying the founding principles of America. They intend to finish disarming Americans, finish dividing the country into factions, finish bankrupting it, and then finish taking it down into a communist dictatorship.

We have been forewarned about the consequences of gun bans. We must keep ourselves armed as our founders did to defend oursleves against a tyrannical government -- this time, it will be our own government instead of Great Britain. 


The Communist Roots of the Nashville Massacre

Carole Hornsby Haynes April 1, 2023 

With the Covenant School massacre in Nashville, TN on March 27, America reached the edge of a precipice. It’s obvious that Christians are under attack by trans-terrorists. Make no mistake about it. We are under a Communist takeover by full-blown Communist tyrants. How did we get to the point where our youth hate America and Christians? The shooting is merely the symptom of a deeper and far more complicated issue but what is the cause? That’s what we’re going to talk about in this episode. 

As all of you know by now, there was a massacre at a the elementary Christian Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee where 28-year-old transgender, Audrey Elizabeth Hale, shot her way into the building and stalked the halls, randomly murdering three 9-year-old children and three staff members. 

Looking at Hale’s younger photos on social media and reading comments from those who knew her, we get an image of a quiet, sweet girl. She was from a Christian family who did not appear to be someone who could go on a murder rampage. Who was she really? What changed about this young woman? How could she have turned into a calculating, transgender terrorist, killing herself and six others? 

Hale attended Covenant School for several years. Beginning in 2006, she attended public arts magnet schools, graduating in 2014. From 2018-2022, she attended the Nossi College of Art, graduating as a graphic designer and illustrator. 

On Facebook, she announced that she would be known going forward as Aiden and would use male pronouns. She lived in an affluent neighborhood with her parents and brother. Neighbors, who knew the family well, reported that she was at odds with her parents who struggled with her transitioning into a male and refused to allow her to dress as a male at home. 

In preparation for her cold blooded massacre, Hale purchased seven guns and learned techniques that she would use during the attack. She carefully laid out her plans in a booklet with maps showing the entry point into the school, the three weapons that would be used, and the clothing she would wear, which she had drawn up as a cartoon character. She left a manifesto which police said reeked of "resentment." 

Nashville Police Chief Drake said that, based upon documents found in the Hale home, they believe there were going to be other targets, including a Nashville mall and her family. We can assume this was her parents because she resented that they wouldn't accept her as a transgender. Drake indicated that he believed Covenant was targeted because Hale had "some history." Covenant School was oppposed to the LGBTQ lifestyle. It appears that Hale targeted Christians and anyone else who refused to accept her depraved transgender lifestyle. 

It's not surprising that she was under care for an emotional disorder. Transgender individuals are almost four times as likely as cisgender people to have a mental health condition, including mood and anxiety disorders, PTSD, schizophrenia, personality disorders, autism, substance use disorders, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders. 

Although the public is bewildered by this national trend toward transgenderism and homosexuality, history provides the answer as to why. 

The origins of radical sex education date back nearly a century to a Marxist program implemented in Hungarian public schools in their quest to destroy Christianity and the family in Western Europe. The curriculum included sex lectures and graphic instructional materials about free love and sexual intercourse. Students were encouraged to ridicule and reject Christian moral ethics, monogamy, and parental and church authority. Hate was turned toward parents, clergy, and all dissenters. 

The program was a huge success. Continued exposure to atheism, radical sex education, and rebellion against authority turned Hungarian students into bullies, thieves, murderers, sex predators, and sociopaths who disrespected authority. 

In his 1958 book, The Naked Communist, Cleon Skousen identified 45 Communist goals.Because education is always a key vehicle for totalitarians to instill left wing ideology early, the goals included gaining control of schools to break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography, obscenity, degeneracy, and promiscuity. For America to fall, the traditional family has to be destroyed and homosexuality is the means. 

Students are taught that being gay or transgender is normal – “everyone’s doing it.” The Bible is discredited and prayer and religious expressions in public schools are banned. Chrstianity has been replaced by secularism. Students are taught to disrespect their parents. 

In 1991 the first "Guidelines for Comprehensive Sexuality Education, Kindergarten-12th Grade" were published. In 2011 the National Sexuality Education Standards were adopted by more than 40 percent of school districts. In 2020 these were replaced by the far more radical National Sex Education Standards developed by a coalition of left wing non-profits. The standards specifically defy parental authority. In addition to radical sex, these standards devote entire sections to Critical Race Theory. Social and Emotional Learning is the vehicle being used to implement both radical sex and Criticial Race Theory into the classroom, destabilizing and creating students who hate America and Christianity. 

Nearly all states have dropped their bans against the teaching of LGBT in public schools, leaving only Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, and Louisiana. So it's not surprising that Hale had an emotional disorder and transitioned to a "male." She attended Tennessee public schools from 2006-2014 where she was subjected to far left wing indoctrination, LGBT curriculum, and the discrediting of Christianity. 

Hardening schools with armed security is not going to stop school shootings that are a consequence of the moral decay of our nation. American public schools are churning out students who exhibit the same characteristics found in Hungarian youth after implementation of a radical sex curriculum – violent, murderers, sociopaths, sex predators, and God-haters. The Communist goal of creating student hatred for America, our founding fathers, Christianity, and American capitalism has been achieved. 

We’re seeing how successful Communism has been in radicalizing our youth and our entire culture. Since the shooting in Nashville on March 27, the mainstream media and far-left activist groups have been spreading the lie that the true victims of the shooting are “transgender” people like Hale. They are in dread fear about the backlash against their demonic ideology that is sweeping the nation. 

Here’s my prediction: violence by LGBT activists will reach new highs in the weeks and months ahead and Christians are going to be in great danger. 

There was supposed to be a “Trans Day of Vengenance rally outside the U.S. Supreme Court on April 1, but that was canceled because trans acitivists are claiming that their lives and safety are endangered by the right. The Daily Mail reported on Wednesday that TRAN appeared to be attempting to raise money for its members’ firearms training. Transgender activists posed with firearms before the “Trans Day of Vengeance” and social media posts appeared to call for violence against Christians. So it’s okay if they carry guns in case Christians try to kill them but conservatives and Christians are too dangerous to be trusted with guns. 

Hale wrote in her last Instagram message that the manifesto would explain the reason for her actions. It seems that the far left, pro-LGBTQ+ are terrified of the contents. The manifesto that the transgender assassin left behind will most likely have has some very damaging information in it. The far left, pro-LGBTQ+ groups are actively demanding that the manifesto not be released, claiming there could be a backlash againt the "transgender community" in Nashville.  

On March 30, a mob of more than 1000 far-left pro-trans activists attempted to storm the Tennessee State Capitol, only to be stopped by state troopers. The rioters were mostly young people, angry at the growing backlash against the ideology of transgenderism after Hale’s attack on the Christian school. The Tennnessee State House of Representatives was in session at the time. State troopers had to use their own bodies to block the doors and force the rioters back. At least one rioter was taken away by the officers. 

Inside the State House, three Democrat representatives came out to the balcony to support the rioters. One Representative used a bullhorn to verbally encourage them to continue their attempted breach. The State House eventually recessed before reconvening at a later time, after order was restored. Isn’t this what the Democrats accused Donald Trump of doing on January 6? Should these people go to prison without bail or a hearing? 

Top executives at CBS News have banned staffers from using the word “transgender” when reporting on the Nashville shooter. NBC ran headlines that suggest trans people are the real victim of Nashville's massacre instead of the students and staff of the private Christian school. 

So here are the lies that the left is spinning: America is systemically cruel to trans people, who apparently cannot be blamed for losing control and targeting small children at Christian schools. In the perverse world of Leftist victimology, this makes sense: If you are a member of a supposedly victimized group, you cannot be the victimizer. 

But if we truly want to prevent future acts of violence by unhinged lunatics, we must be willing to stand up against the dangerous idea that mentally ill people should be celebrated as political ground-breakers and that their suicidal actions are caused by the intolerance of others. They are being told that their suffering is caused by a cruelly religious and patriarchal world that endangers their lives. Then these mentally ill people believe they have the right to kill those who are making them suffer. 

The legacy media spreads the lie that the high rates of depression and suicidal ideation among trangenders are caused by the intolerance of society. They can’t admit that this is caused by the disorder itself because that would undermine the new civil rights crusade that the Left spins to discredit traditional roles and institutions. 

Instead they claim that a transgender who shot to death three children and three adults is a victim of society. Those who disagree with the thought leaders in our legacy media are the guilty one, the oppressors.

The left wants you to believe that if you criticize any LGBT people or their political agenda, then you will be in legal trouble for hate speech. That’s a lie and they know it. They simply want to instill fear in us to shut us up. They reinforce that position by “canceling” people in the private sector as if their views are criminal. 

Daily the left comes up with new words that we’re supposed to use or not use so that we will in the future use only their approved lexicon. That’s ORWELLIAN!!! 

The gay rights movement was never about tolerance. It was always about dominance. Time after time, on issue after issue, we have refused to fight the secular left from the moral high ground, so conservatives – and more specifically Christians – are seeing our culture being destroyed. 

In the 1990s, Americans were told to just “tolerate” homosexual behavior. Not wanting to upset anyone, we sat silently by. Even “conservative” pastors in “Bible-believing” denominations capitulated – at best, preaching self-help so as not to offend those who hate the Gospel, and at worse, trying to justify every sin endorsed by the radical left. When someone had the temerity to speak out, they were accused of engaging in a “culture war.” 

Next we were told to allow males in girl’s restrooms and dressing rooms. Then they went after our children with their drag shows. Now young children are subjected to teachers talking in the classroom about their sexcapades and fetishes. 

Private businesses are forced to celebrate gay “marriage” – threatened not just with private lawsuits but with government action. 

Gender surgeries, abortion, and homosexuality are merely symptoms of a bigger plan – the destruction of our culture, our religion, our traditional family so that America can be taken over by the evil forces of totalitarianism. 

These people on the Left are dangerous, extremist lunatics. They hate America, whites, our wealth, capitalism, the police, the military, men,and are globalists who are transgender obssessed. They will NOT stop until they crash our economy and destroy the greatest middle class in history, and make us all serfs to Big Brother. They intend to destroy every monument and statue; rename ships, military bases, streets and schools; rewrite our history; and tell us what words we can and cannot use. They are changing our customs and holidays, literature, music, architecture, religion, dress code, and even the works of famous authors. Now the great mystery novels of Agatha Christie are being rewritten to satisfy the lunatic leftwing. 

These leftists are communist tyrants. Communism is about banning; silencing criticism; government propaganda; government partnership with the media; weaponization of government against political opponents; a biased two-tiered justice system; FBI raids on peaceful protesters; raids on a former president's home; and now indicting the presidential front-runner (the biggest threat to their continued power) on bogus charges. We’re seeing a replay of Stalin and his Gestapo This is full-blown communism. 

Enough is enough!!! It is way past time for normal people to rise up and tear down the communist propaganda and the transgender normalization racket in our society. This is not a call to violence but a call to destroy the propaganda campaign. 

We have to expose the evils of Communism that are now in all of our American institutions. It will be up to each of us to engage in the war to rid America of Communism. Let’s take back America from these ghouls – our language, our heritage and history, schools, libraries, media, seats of power from dog-catcher to the highest political positions, and churches.

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