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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela

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Why Schools Should Be Open and Without Any Restrictions

By Carole Hornsby Haynes, Ph.D.   July 22, 2020

A new wave of COVID-19 hysteria is raging across the nation. Now the issue is whether schools should open with in-person instruction this fall and, if so, under what restrictions?

Dr. Scott Atlas, Hoover Institution Senior Fellow and former chief of Neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center, said in his interview with Glenn Beck, "This is a slam-dunk issue….There is zero science to back up claims that the schools should be closed or even opened with any constraints whatsoever."

Despite the science showing that children have very little risk of becoming infected with Wuhan flu, the Centers for Disease Control issued reopening guidelines that will make classrooms look like The Twilight Zone. Masks for teachers and students, 6-foot distance, partitions and barriers, daily health checks, no gym or cafeteria or playground, and staggered scheduling.

Negative Consequences of School Shutdown

Democrats warn of dire consequences from the “pandemic” if schools reopen. Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, says that going back to school presents the biggest risk for the spread of the coronavirus. This means students will remain imprisoned in their homes, hunched over computers struggling to teach themselves. President Trump, no longer a supporter of online learning, tweeted,

“Now that we have witnessed it on a large scale basis, and firsthand, Virtual Learning has proven to be TERRIBLE compared to In School, or On Campus, Learning. Not even close! Schools must be open in the Fall.”

The Trump administration’s stand on traditional education with in-personal instruction is a stark change for Education Chief Betsy DeVos who has been a staunch supporter of online learning for both K-12 and higher education. She and her husband have previously been investors in K12 Inc., one of the nation’s largest virtual school companies.

The evidence is overwhelming that face-to-face teaching is far more effective than online learning but education leaders have caved to Big Tech and its $60 billion scam, with big corporations controlling today’s public classrooms. Although some students can handle the remote learning, many require adult support. Especially harmed are the disadvantaged whose parents can’t stay home from work to provide support -- and they may not be able to help anyhow. Blacks and Hispanics are big losers but where are the radical racial protests over that?

Health Risks for Children and Adults

Dr. Atlas refutes the fatality risk of the virus to children, noting that it is nearly zero despite what uninformed people and media state.

“...those are people that obviously either don't know the data or are refractory to learning themselves because the facts say otherwise. And this has been proven by contract tracing all over the world by studies on these kids. This is like really ludicrous.”

The Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity projects that school-aged children between 5 and 14 have a 1 in 200,000 chance of dying of influenza, but a 1 in 2.5 million chance of dying of COVID-19. They are 128 times more likely to die of an accident than coronavirus.

As for infecting parents or grandparents at home, Atlas also debunks that claim as “ludicrous”. During his interview on Martha MacCallum’s Fox News show, Atlas explained that most teachers in the United States will be at nearly zero risk because of their age: 25% under age 30, 50% are under age 40, and 90% under 60. He suggests that teachers who are high risk can wear masks and teach from a distance.

The WSJ reports that, “Yet unlike with other respiratory viruses, children don’t appear to be large spreaders.” Studies from Australia indicated that there were no cases of students passing the virus to teachers. Studies from China show kids were more likely to pick up the virus from their parents than vice versa.

The Mask Hoax

Beware the conflicted warnings about masks from the CDC and Dr. Anthony Fauci. In March Dr. Anthony Fauci said masks should not be worn but in July he now says they should e – just to prevent a second wave of the virus and for “symbolism.”

The CDC has also flipflopped from no masks for the healthy to everyone should wear masks regardless of infection. Given the financial connection of Fauci and the CDC with vaccine fraud philanthropist Bill Gates, the public should beware these recommendations and look to the medical research.

Medical research shows that wearing masks can pose significant harm. Oxygen levels are significantly lowered. Workers who wear them for long periods complain of inability to breathe, headaches, and nausea.

The New England Journal of Medicine April 1, 2020 reports that masks are simply a false sense of protection from the Wuhan virus:

“We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection…

“The chance of catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is… minimal….

“Expanded masking protocols’ greatest contribution may be to reduce the transmission of anxiety.”

Some people are using plastic visors but these are unsafe and should only be worn with masks to prevent coronavirus infection, say Swiss authorities.

If masks don't protect the public from infection but rather pose health problems, then why are we being constantly bombarded and shamed if we don't wear them?

Do lawmakers and other public figures have a special immunity against the Wuhan flu? Is that why Ohio's lawmakers and their staffs don't have to wear masks but the rest of the people do? Is that why Al Sharton was recently seen on TV with no mask and arm around another person? Is it only the "common man" who must be be muzzled and corraled? Is there another motive here besides "public safety" for which the government has no constitutional authority anyhow?

Who dreamed up six feet social distance?

U.S. medical experts insist that at least six feet of personal space should be maintained to avoid being infected. Yet the World Health Organization’s website recommends a distance of only three feet and many countries have adopted that recommendation. Who came up with six feet for the United States?

More than 20 Other Countries Have Opened Their Schools

Science magazine reports that over 20 countries reopened schools in June, and some, like Taiwan, Nicaragua, and Sweden, never closed them to begin with.

The pandemics of Asian and Hong Kong flus of the 1950s and 60s did not induce lockdowns, school closings, physical distancing, masks, etc. and society and culture continued. Why have American schools shut down for a virus that has a mortality rate of only 0.25%, less than the seasonal flu? If we are shutting down for this, then why don’t we shut down schools each year during the flu season?

Impact on American Economy

The U.S. has gone from being the world’s best educated workforce to the least well educated in the industrial world. The average American high school graduate is two-and-a-half years behind those in top-performing countries.

The shutdown – and the delayed reopening of schools – is causing even further academic regression of children. Even if schools reopen this fall, students will likely retain only 70% of expected learning gains in reading and less than 50% in math. Some students could be nearly a full year behind. Severe restrictions will negatively impact the classroom and create a school atmosphere that can cause children to feel isolated, anxious, and fearful.


The risks to children of not reopening schools and without severe restrictions far outweigh the health risk as shown by the facts.

The risk to the American economy of not reopening in-person schools and getting back to “education as usual” is far ranging. America cannot remain a rich and powerful nation if we continue to produce the worst educated workers in the world. 

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