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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela

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Texas Is Open for Business….Kinda….For Now

By Carole Hornsby Haynes, Ph.D. April 30, 2020

Following state statutes allowing him to suspend laws with his proclamations having the “force of law,” which are in clear violation of the Texas Constitution, Republican Governor Greg Abbott issued lockdown orders for Texas. Now Texas is open but little has changed.

The governor picks winners but then allows them to operate at only 25 percent capacity with social distancing. Abbott has decided that daycare is still non-essential but who is going to care for the children of those workers who are going back to work? Gyms, barber shops, and salons are still taboo but pets can get hair cuts even if their human owners can’t. Some Texans are wondering how political leaders we see on TV are able to look so well coiffed while many of us are looking rather bedraggled.

Unconstitutionally, Governor Abbott has publicly threatened those businesses who defy his unconstitutional order with a yanking of their business permits. Prison and fines can also be imposed. Have you noticed that nowadays we need permits for practically everything? Women have been braiding hair for centuries, but now a course for credit to get a license is required. This is how people and businesses are being controlled by leftist politicians in a socialist government – as well as being forced to pay “hidden” taxes.

Perhaps Texans need to follow the example of Grants, New Mexico Democrat Mayor Martin Hicks, who defied the Democrat governor and opened his town of 9000, explaining,

“Our governor is saying to you….“You are going to die if you go back to your construction job, but it’s OK if you work at Walmart.”

“I am prepared to take whatever she wants to give me because she is already killing us anyway. What she going to do she hasn’t already done to us? She has taken all of our jobs. What she going to do come put me in jail?”

In response to the New Mexico governor’s threat that she will send State Police to enforce her stay at home order through May 15, Hicks said, “I’ve ordered the police to stop any State Police officer who comes into town and tries to shut them down.”

State Police showed up at the Grants golf course where 20 golfers were playing on Monday and issued a “notice of violation.” Hicks vowed he would be playing golf later in the day for the first time in years since it was safer there than at Walmart.

Texas churches are open under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and the Texas Constitutions. However, few, if any, have had in-person services because they would be tarred and feathered by the radical media, local politicians, and even conservatives who have drunk the Corona-Kool-Aid of Deep State Fauci and Birx and are convinced that house arrest will save them even if though it is creating a Great Depression for the nation.

Abbott continues to recommend online religious services but for those that want to return to in-person services, he has imposed very stringent health protocols rather than allowing people to exercise personal responsibility, one of the tenets of the Republican Party.

Although there must be an area for at-risk worshipers, all others must be seated six feet apart (except for members of the same household or two from different households attending services together) and only in alternate rows. Seats must be disinfected between services and any items that come into contact with attendees must be disinfected. Any food served is recommended to be pre-packaged. This can present challenges for those churches that have communion each Sunday.

What church can accommodate these draconian requirements week after week? Obviously with this type of seating, very few worshipers can be seated anyhow, unless numerous services are held throughout the day with time in between each for sanitizing each seat.

American churches shut down! Communists who want to destroy our faith and morality to effect a totalitarian takeover must be ecstatic.

It’s shocking that 70 Texas pastors and rabbis signed a letter to Governor Abbott and Attorney General Paxton, encouraging them to keep churches and synagogues closed. Claiming that freedom of religion is not absolute, they assumed authority to change the wording of our First Amendment which has no conditions on religious freedom. With this attitude, these religious leaders might be more comfortable in China. Most would likely have to seek other employment.

The letter included a backhanded slap at the Christian and Jewish communities over their concern that, with a recurrence of COVID-19, the “fragile place of muslims in our free society will be worsened. We do not want to enflame bigotry when we should be engendering solidarity.” Not surprising that two jihadis from Texas, Imam Azhar Subedar and Omal Suleiman, were also signatories on this letter.

Perhaps people might want to withdraw their membership and support of such clergy and houses of worship that would so willingly denounce our unalienable right to religious freedom.

Abbott says he’s not sure that schools will re-open in the fall. Dallas ISD superintendent says he plans to open schools in August but admits that, if social distancing is required, there will be enormous challenges – and very expensive ones. Although there is strong opposition by parents against closing public schools further, this could be the very best thing for the education of our children.

Abbott believes that “quarantining” healthy people, social distancing and the shuttering of businesses for weeks is working but wants widespread testing to determine if the virus is under control. Travis County Interim Health Authority Dr. Mark Escottis advising that Texans will be wearing masks and continuing social distancing for at least a year or face another shutdown. There seems to be an unspoken message that if the number of cases increase, there will be another lock down.

Dr. Fauci has already announced there will be another outbreak in the fall because he understands that isolation prevents people from developing an immunity. Fauci also knows that for thousands of years, viruses of some sort have broken out in the fall. Parroting his boss Bill Gates, Fauci has warned us that only lockdowns and vaccinations can stop the spread. This is to be expected since Fauci holds vaccine patents and Bill Gates has a vaccine empire. Follow the money.

Healthy Americans have allowed themselves to be unconstitutionally quarantined for weeks and the economy shut down. They tune into daily psychological barrages by a deranged media spouting out statistics that include deaths falsely claimed to be COVID-19 related.

The virus models used to determine policy have already been totally discredited. In his article at New York Post, Scott W. Atlas, M.D., the David and Joan Traitel Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution and former Chief of Neuroradiology at Stanford Medical Center, reports the risk of dying from COVID-19 is far lower than the models showed and not significant for the majority of those infected.Most importantly he notes that “total isolation prevents broad population immunity and prolongs the problem.”

The hysteria is not really about the virus but about creating public fear so that people will give up their civil liberties for supposed government orchestrated safety. Fascists Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates have already said future lockdowns will be necessary because the virus will never go away. They fully intend to turn the United States into a Fascist medical dictatorship with forced vaccinations, microchipping, and worldwide surveillance.


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