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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela

The Spectre of Lincoln In New York Politics

By Carole Hornsby Haynes, Ph.D. August 14, 2020

To escape the highest rent district in the nation, rich millennials, multi-millionaires and even Wall Street bankers are fleeing New York for more affordable states. Others have retreated to second homes in states that are not locked down. With few customers during the lockdown, many posh businesses and restaurants faced with ongoing astronomical costs to do business in the Big Apple have abandoned the state.

The Truth About 'Treasonous' Confederate Generals and Texas Republican Turncoats

By Carole Hornsby Haynes, Ph. D. August 7, 2020

Prior to the 1960s nearly everyone understood that the tariff was the main issue between the Northern Yankees who wanted a very high protectionist tariff and Southerners who wanted the country to be a free zone with limited import tariffs. Everyone also understood that slavery had nothing to do with Lincoln’s launch of a military invasion on his own country.

Coronavirus and Its Historical Parallel

By Carole Hornsby Haynes, Ph.D. March 27, 2020

It seems that political leaders are more concerned about “ratcheting” up power and government debt than really keeping Americans healthy. With the emergence of the coronavirus, the government has responded with unconstitutional large scale quarantines of those who are not contagious,  yet the number of cases continues to increase.  There is a historical parallel here.

Christmas Past...Christmas Present

By Carole Hornsby Haynes, Ph.D. December 20, 2019

Adapted with permission from the “The Tapestry” (the Family Tree of Reuben and Sarah Morrison Hornsby) authored by Dorothy Landoll

As I saw the Christmas traditions to which I was accustomed being purposely ripped from our nation, I began to wonder about how our ancestors had observed Christmas. What was it like in the American colonies and then the new nation? Was Christmas ever like the Victorian cards that we send or the heart warming stories we read over and over each season?

Has America Ceased To Be Good?

By Carole Hornsby Haynes, Ph.D. October 13, 2017 Texas Insider

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas —We were united by faith, culture, language, history, heroes, holidays, mores, manners, customs and traditions. To be an American was a great source of pride. What has happened to America?

The Truth About Lincoln

By Carole Hornsby Haynes, Ph.D. February 20, 2020

Lincoln Day events (sometimes Lincoln-Reagan Day), named after Abraham Lincoln, are held annually in February or March. These are the primary annual celebrations and fundraisers for the Republican Party.

Wake Up America! The U.S.S. Constitution

Has Been Torpedoed!

By Carole Hornsby Haynes, Ph.D. October 20, 2013 Updated November 20, 2019

The U.S.S. Constitution has sustained irreparable damage and is sinking into the quiet, dark waters of the sea -- signaling the end of the greatest nation on earth. But that’s not possible! It can’t happen to America! Or can it….

The Legacy of Racist Democrats

By Carole Hornsby Haynes, Ph.D.  |  June 26, 2015  World Net Daily

The tragic shooting of nine Christians in a Charleston, South Carolina church was a horrific crime by a deranged man.  Rather than allowing the community to unite and find healing as they mourned their dead, predictably the liberal media could not let a good crisis go to waste and pounced on an unrelated issue to continue their agenda to divide the nation from within.

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